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Welcome to the Center for Teacher Effectiveness

We look forward to helping you in any way you need.  Please contact us with any questions, ideas, concerns, recommendations, feedback, compliments, ANYTHING!  We improve through working with great educators and administrators like yourself!    We are here to serve YOU!

Hit Us Up!

Phone: 1-800-438-1808
Fax: 1-800-801-1872
Address: 220 East Avenue, PO Box 14001 PMB 469, Ketchum, ID 83340

Please Let us know if you have any questions!

Time To Teach

Classroom Management Training Resource Manual (book) $199.00

200+ pages !!! WE DO NOT SELL THIS RESOURCE MANUAL TO THE GENERAL TEACHING PUBLIC. It is given to participants of our Classroom Management seminars nationwide, and at our on-site trainings conducted in schools and districts. This Resource Manual provides cutting edge ideas, strategies, tips, and techniques which will forever increase your teaching time, student on-task time, and reduce stress for you and your students. Our innovative strategies establish optimal learning environments. You will go way beyond discipline to create a program that will change your students’ behavior.

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