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Welcome to the Center for Teacher Effectiveness

We look forward to helping you in any way you need.  Please contact us with any questions, ideas, concerns, recommendations, feedback, compliments, ANYTHING!  We improve through working with great educators and administrators like yourself!    We are here to serve YOU!

Hit Us Up!

Phone: 1-800-438-1808
Fax: 1-800-801-1872
Address: 220 East Avenue, PO Box 14001 PMB 469, Ketchum, ID 83340

Please Let us know if you have any questions!

Time To Teach

Encouragement, Empowerment, and Excellence in Every Classroom (audiobook) $89.95


Having trained tens of thousands of teachers who teach hundreds of thousands of students, we know that children and adolescents can and will be responsible for their own behavior and for their own learning, but these skills must be taught first. That’s why we have been tirelessly promoting it for over twenty-seven years! This audiobook focuses on proven strategies for teaching important skills to students, evaluating their successes, and certainly focuses on the art of delivering effective consequences when all else fails. Special techniques are outlined for preventing discipline problems and dealing effectively with those that do occur. 3-Disk Set.

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