As we turn the corner into spring, it’s the perfect time to refresh our teaching…
Dear school leaders and policymakers: It didn’t have to be this way
We believe in thanking our sources! This post was sourced from the following blog/website:
The following is a new blog post related to education and teaching and relevant to our website visitors. The blog post is not based on the opinions or values of our company but is related to education and teaching, so we wanted to share it with YOU! If you ever have any questions please let us know. Now… on to the post!
Dear school leaders and policymakers,
It didn’t have to be this way.
You had all summer to watch the rising number of coronavirus cases all across the country.
You had all summer to educate yourself about the science.
You had all summer to read credible news sources and see the viral outbreaks that occurred everywhere that people gathered without appropriate protections.
You had all summer to encourage people to do the things necessary to slow down the viral spread (hint: it wasn’t going to restaurants and bars).
You had all summer to invest in the safety precautions necessary for schools to be safe (ventilation systems, personal protective equipment, rules and policies, etc.).
You had all summer to recognize that reopening schools this fall was magical thinking and instead invest heavily in your educators’ ability to do high-quality, high-engagement remote learning (unlike last spring).
You had all summer to help your community close family equity gaps regarding computing devices and Internet access.
You had all summer to fortify yourselves for the brave political conversations and gather allies.
You had all summer to engage in realistic messaging to your community.
You had all summer to be the leader that you were appointed / elected to be.
Now you’re asking your community and citizens for “grace during this difficult time.” Are you surprised that many folks aren’t willing to give it?
It’s never too late to lead. Are you finally going to do so?
P.S. If you did most or all of these things, THANK YOU.
Image credit: Covid ActNow
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Teachers and Educators are our heroes. We want to thank you for the work you do!
Yours In Education!
Time To Teach