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Time To Teach

Plus Happy Numbers: Free Monthly Math challenges for the primary classroom

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The following is a new blog post related to education and teaching and relevant to our website visitors. The blog post is not based on the opinions or values of our company but is related to education and teaching, so we wanted to share it with YOU! If you ever have any questions please let us know. Now… on to the post!

Plus Happy Math: Free Monthly Math challenges for the primary classroom

What it is: Plus Happy Numbers is a free kindergarten through second-grade site with monthly math challenges. Teachers can sign up for a free classroom account and assign the monthly math challenge for students to solve. The challenges are designed to tap into higher-order thinking skills and build problem solving cognitive skills like visual spatial thinking. Students each receive their own login so that individual progress can be tracked and reported back to you. Plus Happy Numbers is designed to be used on any device that you have in your classroom including iPad and Mac (via Safari), Chromebook, PC and Andriod (via Google Chrome).  Each lesson comes with audio support for early or struggling readers. Students simply click on the speaker icon for audio directions.

How to integrate Plus Happy Numbers into your classroom: Plus Happy Numbers makes for an excellent math center activity for your students. Each lesson comes with visual modeling of a concept, on-screen manipulatives, immediate feedback and remediation of errors, and adaptive scoring that provides just the right amount of practice a student needs to master a concept. Plus Happy Numbers is a great place for students to build mathematical thinking indpendently while you work with smaller groups of students or one-on-one.

I appreciate that Plus Happy Numbers goes beyond computational understanding and seeks to create students who think, and approach, problems like a mathematician by building number flexibility, problem solving, and higher-order thinking. Plus Happy Numbers can be used as a supplement in any k-2 classroom. Each month, a new Challenge of the Month is designed to stretch students’ mathematical thinking and problem solving skills.  As students successfully progress through a challenge, the difficulty of the problems increases. Student progress is saved so they can pick up right where they left off. At the end of the month, you can print out a certificate of completion.

Obviously a 1:1 environment is ideal, each student can work on these challenges simultaneously. If 1:1 isn’t your reality, fear not! The individual student login means that you can bookmark on classroom devices so that your students can login to their account. In this scenario, use Plus Happy Numbers as a math center rotation in your classroom. The challenges are broken down so that students can complete a challenge in as little as 2-8 minutes. If you have a projector-connected computer or interactive whiteboard, you could also complete challenges as a class, discussing each challenge as your students progress through and giving students turns to solve at the board.

Tips: If you already have a Happy Numbers account, you are already on your way to using Plus! Just use the same login information and you are ready to start assigning challenges.

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How am I going to make this work relevant?

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Peter Greene said:

… if your spouse says, “I’m looking for ways to make you interesting and appealing,” that is not a good sign.

Once you look at a lesson and ask, “How am I going to make this material relevant,” you have admitted that the material is not actually relevant. If that’s true–if the lesson is inherently irrelevant–then you need to ask a bigger question. Why are you teaching it at all? Because it’s on the test? Because your boss said you have to? These are lousy reasons to teach anything. More importantly, no amount of stapling on pictures of movie stars will convince your students that you aren’t wasting their time, and wasting students’ time is one of the unforgivable sins in the teaching biz.

Know why you are teaching what you’re teaching. Know why the material has value for your students. This is not always obvious, but this is where your expertise in the subject matter is supposed to come in. You’re the teacher–you’re supposed to know what the connection is between your content material and the business of being fully human in the world. If you don’t see a connection, you need to go study and look to find it, or you need to reconsider whether you should be teaching it at all.


Time To Teach reviews each blog post by our contributors but if you feel this is a blog post better suited for another page please let us know. Teachers and Educators are our heroes. We want to thank you for the work you do! Yours In Education! Time To Teach

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U.S. Schools Underreport How Often Students Are Restrained Or Secluded, Watchdog Says

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When accountability may be lacking.

Districts are supposed to tell the government how often students are held or detained. But a new report says those numbers are so inaccurate, there's no way of knowing the prevalence of these methods.

(Image credit: Sam Rowe for NPR)

Time To Teach reviews each blog post by our contributors but if you feel this is a blog post better suited for another page please let us know. Teachers and Educators are our heroes. We want to thank you for the work you do! Yours In Education! Time To Teach

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How to Change Your Blogger Favicon

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Blogger is a popular choice for creating classroom blogs and personal blogs because it can be accessed through your Google account and because it is easy to use to start a blog. In a matter of a few...

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Suns Out, Funs Out! Summer Safety Tips for 2019

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It’s finally here…the end of the school year! The summer provides many opportunities to go outside and be active in the sunshine. However, be sure to keep in mind these simple safety guidelines which can help ensure that children spend more time visiting the local park rather than the local emergency room. Keep It Covered Continue Reading

Time To Teach reviews each blog post by our contributors but if you feel this is a blog post better suited for another page please let us know. Teachers and Educators are our heroes. We want to thank you for the work you do! Yours In Education! Time To Teach

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Why Did That Student Fail? A Diagnostic Approach To Teaching

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The following is a new blog post related to education and teaching and relevant to our website visitors. The blog post is not based on the opinions or values of our company but is related to education and teaching, so we wanted to share it with YOU! If you ever have any questions please let us know. Now… on to the post!

Why Did That Student Fail? A Diagnostic Approach To Teaching by Terry Heick This post has been updated and republished from a previous version When students struggle in school, it can be for a variety of reasons. From their grasp of content and literacy skills, to their engagement level, to behavior and organizational issues, to […]

The post Why Did That Student Fail? A Diagnostic Approach To Teaching appeared first on TeachThought.

Time To Teach reviews each blog post by our contributors but if you feel this is a blog post better suited for another page please let us know. Teachers and Educators are our heroes. We want to thank you for the work you do! Yours In Education! Time To Teach

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4 Tips For Implementing A STEAM Program In Your Classroom

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The following is a new blog post related to education and teaching and relevant to our website visitors. The blog post is not based on the opinions or values of our company but is related to education and teaching, so we wanted to share it with YOU! If you ever have any questions please let us know. Now… on to the post!

4 Tips For Implementing A STEAM Program In Your Classroom contributed by Caleigh Heenan In Part 1, we looked at tips for planning a STEAM program in your school. Today, we’re going to take a look at tips for actually implementing that program in your school or classroom. In traditional teaching, teachers assume the role […]

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Time To Teach reviews each blog post by our contributors but if you feel this is a blog post better suited for another page please let us know. Teachers and Educators are our heroes. We want to thank you for the work you do! Yours In Education! Time To Teach

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Over-Enrolled, Virginia Tech Offers Some New Students Financial Incentives To Wait

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Emmanuel Mahgerefteh, an incoming freshman from Roanoke, Va., is deciding whether to enroll at Virginia Tech in the fall or take the free community college offer.

The university is making 1,500 incoming freshmen eligible for options to delay enrollment, such as a gap year stipend. Now, students are trying to decide whether to take the offers.

(Image credit: Courtesy of Emmanuel Mahgerefteh)

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30 Of The Best Digital Collaboration Tools For Students

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The following is a new blog post related to education and teaching and relevant to our website visitors. The blog post is not based on the opinions or values of our company but is related to education and teaching, so we wanted to share it with YOU! If you ever have any questions please let us know. Now… on to the post!

30 Of The Best Digital Collaboration Tools For Students contributed by Nicholas Martino & TeachThought Staff We are living in a digital age where students shuffle between smartphones, iPads, and MacBooks on the daily. We can now communicate with anyone, anywhere, anytime through the simple click of a button, and it is our job as […]

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Time To Teach reviews each blog post by our contributors but if you feel this is a blog post better suited for another page please let us know. Teachers and Educators are our heroes. We want to thank you for the work you do! Yours In Education! Time To Teach

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2019 HBCU Competitiveness Scholars Announced

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Washington – The White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities (Initiative) announced today the names of 44 students from 34 historically black colleges and universities (HBCU) selected as 2019 HBCU Competitiveness Scholars – the Initiative's highest student recognition.

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